Membership Application


Dear BHBBC Member,

The Board of Directors has come up with a consistent way of approaching the application process for new membership. Applicants would first need a Sponsor. The application form has a line to note the Sponsor’s name, a member in good standing. This Sponsor would “guide” the Applicant through the whole process of membership. From making out the Application, making sure they understand the Standing Rules and By Laws, as well as touring the facility, and the importance of being an active member.

First, the Sponsor would make a request to the Commodore to be on the agenda of the Friday night Board Meeting, to submit the application with the $200.00 application fee to the Board of Directors. The Sponsor would state why they are sponsoring this Applicant and reasons they think their Applicant would be a good member. The Sponsor will bring the applicants to the Board meeting to meet, answer questions and get acquainted with the Board.

Second, the Sponsor needs to bring the Applicant to that same Friday night’s Club meeting and dinner and introduce them to the Club as prospective members. The Applicant can meet everyone in a relaxed social setting. Any Board Members and/or Membership Committee member can talk with the Applicant at that time.

Third, the Board will vote after that same evening’s meeting. If there are any red flags, a review of the concerns would be made and any rejections would be handled at that Board Meeting and the $200.00 returned. The approved applicants would be billed $105.00 yearly membership Club dues after this meeting. Any applications received after the last Club meeting of the season/year would be deferred until the

following year’s May meeting.


Big Horn Basin Boat Club Board of Directors