Latest Club News April 2020
The Club House is still not open to comply with social distancing rules. Gary Miller and Mike Feketi helped make some repairs at Well #2 and repair of a broken post at the camping spots. Fred Harvey sprayed the common areas with a weed pre-emergant. Water and Ice are available at the water house. Duane and crew set picnic tables and chairs out at the Club House so people can sit outside and still maintain a safe distance. Mike F., Gary M. and Fred helped to get some of the driftwood by the main dock burned.Travis and Steve Sweet put together a plan to add 2 more camping spots and increase the size of the existing sites. The plan will be submitted to the State and BOR for approval. Big Horn Horticulture will be fertilizing the common grass areas later in May. Duane is putting together a list of lots that would like to have Big Horn Horticulture spray for weeds. Let Duane know if you are interested.Neal is recording readings for the septic and water systems so we can track our usage for reporting requirements. KC has identified some repairs needed on the swim dock and the boat slips. Denis Brothers will be treating the slips with linseed oil while they are dry docked to help protect them from the elements. We will address those issues soon when the needed parts arrive. I am sure I have missed some tasks but a BIG THANKS to all the volunteers that help to keep the club looking nice.Thank you all for your support and thank you to the BHBBC Board for all of their continuing work for the club.